Please study the Mode of Payment of fees carefully and pay accordingly to avoid penalty.
All payments must be made by Bank Draft or Bank Pay Order drawn on the Allahabad Bank or any other scheduled bank in Nainital and must be paid directly to the Allahabad Bank, Nainital.
- Payment of fees should be made annually before the 31st of January each year or in two installments by the following dates:
- (a) 1 st installment due before 31st January
- (b) 2nd installment due before 1 st June.
In case the 1st installment is not paid as above, admission will be refused and it will not be to keep a place for her for the ensuing year.
- Please provide original proof of payment in case of NEFT / RTGS payment.
- Parents residing abroad must pay the entire amount of the bill in advance before the 31st January.
- One bill in respect of the above fees will be sent out annually in the month of December and should be paid annually before 31st of January or in two installments by the dates specified above. In the event of fees not being received by the due date of the installment, a fine of 5% will be charged. If the installment of the College fees including penalty due, if any, is not paid by the due date the name of the student will be struck off from the College Rolls, and readmission may be granted by the Principal in her discretion on payment of all arrears plus fresh admission fees.
- While making payments, parents must indicate precisely the amount being sent towards the Private Account, and the amount being paid towards the College fees of the student. The Private Account of the Student is kept separately from the College Account and under no circumstances can the money sent for the fees be advanced to a student for her individual or personal expenses.
- Parents must mention the Code Number of the student while paying.
- No member of the staff is authorized to collect fees from the parents.
There will be a separate clothing list for the students with detailed instructions. Each student must come to the College provided with all the listed articles. Clearly printed name-tags with Roll number should be stitched firmly on to each article. If any student returns without a full outfit as listed, an order with payment will have to be placed with the College Suppliers, receipt for which should then be shown to the matron.
There are separate clothing lists (Category ‘A’ and Category ‘B’) for the Junior School and Senior School students with detailed instructions.
CATEGORY ‘A‘ items are to be purchased by the parents from the College Suppliers. A draft made in favour of the firm as advance may please be sent to the firm along with the measurement form while placing the order for your daughter. The firm will send you a final bill for payment after the supply of all the items of Category ‘A’. A separate clothing list has been provided.
CATEGORY ‘B’ items are to be provided by the parents.